The Final of Kilcurry 0pen pairs tournament was held on Friday night 5th October  18. The 1st round saw Seamus McParland and Paul O’Keeffe beat Sean Conroy and Micky Hayes. Daphne Marshal and Colin Dunwoody disposed of their club-mates, the Elliots. Paddy Hanlon and Bridget Davidson […]
The following players have been selected for a practice match on Wednesday the 10th of October at 7.30pm. If you are unable to attend please contact one of the selectors or our team captain ASAP.
Oriel Zone (Sponsored by Hanlon Transport) will be running a new, pioneering event on Sunday the 31st March, which will showcase the top talent in the Zone. The teams selected will be based on whether you are over 40 or under. This event will raise funds […]
Geraldines Singles Tournament came to a close on Friday the 28th of September.
The following players have been selected for a practice game on the 14th of October in Corduff at 7.30pm  
This season we will have 2 open coaching and practice sessions (dates to be confirmed shortly) and they will be coached by many of the top Oriel Players.
There has been much talk over the years in relation to handicap systems being introduced to level the playing field a bit. While it is almost impossible to do this on an individual basis, the Zone is going to try it, for the upcoming season, in […]
Rachel Brennan and Diarmuid McMahon have been voted in as selectors for the Ladies Zone this season. Many other decisions were also decided
The following Oriel Players have been selected for the International Series in November
The dates from the IIBA were confirmed at the last executive meeting for the season.